I am very glad to conduct a peer review for miraisdiary.com. She has chosen a very adorable name for her website, “Mirai’s Diary”. From the website layout, color scheme, to the decorative animated graphics, it truly feels like visiting the diary of a lovely person! The blog content on the website consists of reflections on Studio Ghibli movies. The overall page is predominantly pink, providing a visually cohesive experience. Especially notable are the covers of each of Mirai’s posts, adorned with scenes from classic Studio Ghibli films. This gives the initial impression of Mirai’s online self as a lively and charming person(who also happens to love Studio Ghibli!). I’d like to mention the 3D Miffy bunny beside the page title, which contrasts sharply with other illustrations, adding an element of fun. It could be Mirai’s way of presenting her online self through imagery. Furthermore, both the image and animation quality throughout the website are excellent, with high clarity. This attention to detail speaks volumes about Mirai’s dedication.

I particularly appreciate the sense of space in the overall interface; there’s a nice balance between text and images, neither overcrowded nor sparse. The font sizes for titles, dates, and summaries are well-balanced, making the hierarchy clear. If there were areas for improvement, I would suggest making the navigation bar (reviews, Pub 101, etc.) more prominent to distinguish it from the summary.

Mirai has done an excellent job with categorization, allowing visitors to quickly locate desired posts, enhancing the user experience. On the homepage, Mirai has chosen to display posts in chronological order, showcasing the latest content upfront. This is a great idea, ensuring followers receive the latest information upon entering the site, without the need to navigate through different categories. In the navigation bar, posts are categorized as “Reviews” (blog posts), “Pub101” (containing all assignments), “Portfolio”, and “About Me”. Clicking on the website title “Mirai’s Diary” will return to the homepage. I noticed that Mirai has differentiated images for different post types. Process posts feature animated GIFs, while other blog posts and mini assignments include still images containing the movie protagonists. Peer reviews use landscape images (though currently, there’s only one, so it’s uncertain if this will be consistent). Additionally, Mirai has a Portfolio page showcasing her social media and some of her video creations. It’s evident that Mirai had prior experience and aesthetic sensibilities in presenting her online self, which are key factors contributing to the success of her website.

If there’s room for improvement, I personally suggest adjusting the sidebar preview panel within each post. Currently, each paragraph in Mirai’s posts is accompanied by a preview paragraph and cover image on the right side. This arrangement may make the page appear cluttered due to the repetitive content. One option could be to remove this panel and center-align the text. Alternatively, if retaining the preview panel, consider placing it within specific category pages to provide a quick overview of post content (e.g., within the reviews section, display a preview snippet alongside the cover image, allowing visitors to swiftly browse through the article).

I thoroughly enjoyed Mirai’s About Me page. Like a true diary, it provides deeper insights into her personality. I learned about her Japanese cultural background, which contributes to her fondness for Japanese culture. At the bottom of this page, Mirai shares her Spotify playlist. Music, like words, is a form of self-expression, and I found this to be a fascinating idea, offering me some inspiration. To my surprise, some songs on the playlist are also favorites of mine, introducing me to new music as well.
I greatly enjoyed browsing miraisdiary.com. Through various means, Mirai showcases her online self and manages to resonate with visitors (such as sharing a love for Studio Ghibli and enjoying similar music genres). The title “Mirai’s Diary” truly encapsulates the website’s content. In terms of layout and design, I believe it deserves high praise. The central theme of self-expression is effectively conveyed throughout the website, making it a remarkable representation of Mirai’s personality.

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