Category: blog post

  • The little mermaid

    On the evening before leaving Copenhagen, we visited one of its iconic landmarks: the Little Mermaid. It took us forty minutes to reach the seaside. The Little Mermaid is situated on a pier in Langelinie Park, and along the way, we encountered sporadic fellow tourists seemingly headed to the same destination. The park featured small…

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  • Round Tower Golden View

    One evening in Copenhagen, my most vivid memories were of the Round Tower in the old town and the Little Mermaid by the sea. As dusk approached, we stumbled upon the Round Tower by chance. Nestled between two small buildings, it seemed rather unassuming at first glance. It wasn’t until we consulted a map that…

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  • Exploring Copenhagen: Embrace Every Moment:

    While the weather was still relatively warm, my friend and I decided to explore Copenhagen across the sea. We packed a suitcase, caught the earliest train, and embarked on our journey to the neighboring country. It’s hard to imagine that such a short distance would take us to another country. I heard that passports are…

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  • Housing In Lund

    Housing In Lund

    When I received the offer from Lund University, I was thrilled. However, I soon faced the next challenge: finding accommodation. I must say, housing in Lund is indeed quite scarce, especially for international students like myself who prefer living alone and need something both affordable and conveniently located near the campus. It took me quite…

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  • Exploring Stockholm

    Exploring Stockholm

    Before going to the exchange, my understanding of Stockholm was limited to the term “Stockholm syndrome.” It’s a fascinating concept, also known as hostage syndrome, referring to victims developing feelings for their captors, sometimes even aiding them. Later, I learned that it’s named after Stockholm just because the initial incident happened there.  When I arrived…

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  • Disruption on the Journey

    Disruption on the Journey

    Collision of Expat Life and Everyday Observations In October, I arrived in Switzerland, a country I had longed to visit. I stayed in a small town on the French border with my friend. Those days, we would set out from our Airbnb before dawn, walking 15 minutes to the train station. Purchasing a round-trip train…

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  • Kattens By The Window

    Kattens By The Window

    Alice & Kattens Tesalong It was a tranquil afternoon, still early September, and summer had yet to bid its farewell. The sun, bright and piercing, illuminated the town around three or four in the afternoon. With limited knowledge of this quaint town, I took advantage of the lingering daylight, wandering outside with my camera in…

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