This is my first time creating my own website. I don’t have much knowledge about design styles, so I had to choose a blue minimalist theme from the existing options in WordPress, which I liked. As for the content of the blog, I put a lot of thought into it. While I have the habit of writing regularly, I’ve never written a series of content sharing a common core theme. The challenge was how to have a continuous flow of relevant inspiration to write about these topics. I fear that even though I’m writing about things I’m interested in, can I really produce enough blogs? Can I maintain content that is neither repetitive nor boring?

This is also my first time publishing my own content online, and finding what can be shared with others and is relevant to me is a significant challenge. Initially, I considered writing movie reviews, game reviews, and even thought about evaluating different Chinese restaurants in Vancouver, as I got inspiration from others’ ideas in lectures. However, evaluations like these are highly subjective. Everyone has different preferences for the same thing, influenced by personal experiences, backgrounds, and taste differences. I believe providing an objective evaluation would require explaining some personal situations and states to others, which, for me, might be too private to easily disclose. I also don’t want to write in a way that feels too formal, risking losing the soul of the content.

Therefore, I started thinking about showcasing things related to me through photos. I was fortunate to secure an opportunity to study abroad at Lund University in Sweden last semester. During my journey, I captured many memorable and story-filled photos with my own hands. They hold extraordinary meaning for me, and I’m willing to tell the stories within each image. By presenting each photo and accompanying text to the audiences, I aim to share a wonderful period of time for me. Simultaneously, I believe this theme is unlikely to overlap with others, providing me with significant creative motivation. I hope that through this blog, I can lead everyone to experience the joy of my journey and provide a permanent way to preserve these beautiful memories.

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